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About the Northside Partnership

The Northside Partnership began in 2018 as the combination of three existing partnerships. The Clintonville-Beechwold, Dublin, and Worthington partnerships combined after building over 50 houses separately. The 14 churches making up the Northside partnership are located in Columbus, Clintonville, Dublin, Powell, and Worthington. The Northside Partnership provides families with a great and memorable experience while building the highest quality house possible. Thank you for visiting!

Volunteer with us

The current house is finished and we hope to dedicate the home in early 2025! Thank you for your help with this project! 

The NSP Volunteer Hub has dates listed are ready for you to register on any given date you are available to help. Our goal to list the proposed tasks for the near future dates, for your information. If you know of anyone in your respective churches, who would be interested in helping, please encourage them to help build our house. Our home owner is a young family with three small children and is eager to get started with helping to build their home.

To register to volunteer on our current project, click here:

Our typical build schedule:

- We work on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We begin our day at 8:15 AM and finish at 3:30 PM.

- Partnership churches adopt Saturday dates to build. Check with your church representative for your church's build dates.

- We start the day with a safety meeting, review safety procedures for proper tool use. Assignments will be given out at the conclusion of the meeting.

- Lunch is around 11:30. Most volunteers pack their lunch. However, Saturday churches typically provide lunch for the group.

Experience: Experience is not a prerequisite! We will train on the job. Willing hands and heart are all we ask.

Tools: Hand tools are provided for volunteers. However, if you have some favorite hand tools, feel free to bring them along. Tools to bring would consist of a hammer, tape measure, speed square, pencil, utility knife, and tool pouch.

Interested in volunteering? Visit our volunteer website to sign up and more details: 


Our Current Project

We have a lot to catch up on, in the way of our progress. The last 7 weeks were very productive. Drywall installed, house interior walls painted, doors painted and installed, shelves installed in the closets, doors trimmed, base trim installed, flooring installed, and all cabinets installed as well. On the exterior, we have started installing a fence. All posts have been set along with horizontal bracing. The shed was constructed ae well. We will be working on a punch in the very near future. Completion is very close.

The partner family and future homeowner has been a big help in getting us close to completion. He has been out with us almost every day we were working and cannot wait to move in. 

Week # 12 ending 9/7/24 - This week we worked on trim on the front porch, finished the siding on the remaining first floor walls, which were the bedroom and front porch walls. The sub-contractors came Thursday to hang the drywall. Saturday, they were back taping and adding the first layer of compound. The conductor lines were installed on Saturday as well. A group from the Dublin Presbyterian church helped us do that job. The front walkway, sidewalk and parking pad were installed this week. 

Weeks #9-11 ending 8/31/24 - In the past weeks, we accomplished several items. We had two churches come out to help us: Prince of Peace Lutheran and Bethel Presbyterian. We are so thankful to all our churches--they not only contribute financially but also in a labor of love! 

Items accomplished:
Siding completed on both sides
Soffit & fascia installed on all overhangs
Porch trim started on front porch
Plumbing roughed-in
HVAC roughed-in
Electrical roughed-in
Passed our mechanical and framing inspections
Insulated all exterior walls

Week #8 ending on 8/10/24 - We had a slight delay this week in that the roof installation was delayed until Wednesday. That slowed the progress slightly. We did install all the first-floor windows and exterior doors, including covering them with Lexan for security of broken glass. Since the proximity of the house to the neighboring houses we had to firestop the eves of the house. Which means we install fire-retardant gypsum in the eves of the house.

We had a group from the Dublin Presbyterian church help us on Saturday. They finished the exterior wall insulation, installed hurricane tie-down straps on the porch trusses, installed insulation at both bathtub walls including the OSB covering. They installed diagonal wind bracing on the gable roof trusses.

Week #7 ending 8/3/24 - This week we installed the roof trusses, installed the sub-fascia and sheathed the truss heels. We installed the 1" insulation sheeting on about 80% of the exterior walls. We should be dried-in by Monday evening. Volunteers from the Worthington Presbyterian Church were a huge help in moving the construction process along.

Week #6 ending 7/27/24 - This week we completed the gable prep work on the upper front and rear roof gables along with the rear lower gable. That means the gables are finished which includes siding and or siding, the soffit and fascia. We were able to set the bedroom trusses on Saturday with help from the New Hope Church. The first row of 1” insulation was installed on the east wall.

Weeks #4 & #5 ending on 7/20/24 - Last week we installed the 2nd and sub-floor. We erected the porch beams and posts as well.  This week we constructed all of the 2nd floor walls, included the tall balloon wall at stairwell opening. We had our roof trusses delivered this week. And, with the help of seven volunteers from St. Brigid Catholic church we were able to sheath the gables and install the rakes as well as the insulation sheets.

Week ending July 6, 2024 - We ended week #3 with the first-floor walls in place, ready for us to lay out and install the 2nd floor, floor joists. The two stair landings are installed. The front porch beams have been constructed and the post brackets are installed, ready for us to cut the posts to the proper height to support the beams. You will take notice are porches and porch steps have been installed this as well.

Week ending June 29, 2024 - This week we received our first-floor pre-built walls. We installed the 1st floor sub-floor, laid out our wall locations and installed most of the exterior walls. The walls come with-out the OSB on them, so we added the OSB prior to erecting the wall panels. You will see in the photos the extent of what was accomplished this week.

Thursday, June 20 Update - Our house is ready to be constructed and we need are volunteers to build it! The sill plates were installed Tuesday, June 18. The first floor package was delivered and we started installing floor joists and the rim boards as well. The future homeowner, Yasin, was a big help today. It was a good day's work, considering only 3 volunteers and the high heat.

Next week's plan calls for the walls to be delivered to the site, which the Key Bank employees built with our supervision.

Participating Churches

Support the Partnership

To contribute to the Northside Partnership click the donate button below. Be sure to select Northside Partnership from the "my gift should be used:" drop-down menu. 

Events and Fundraisers

Crosses for Habitat -  New fundraiser started in 2023!  All donations support Habitat for Humanity-MidOhio and our current build.  Jim Whitmer organizes this fundraiser.  

St. Patrick's Fish Fry  - During Lent, St. Patrick's Episcopal Church in Dublin will hold fish fry dinners on select Fridays. This year's dates are March 14, March 28 and April 11. The meal includes great fish prepared the way you like it and lots of sides.  Beer and wine are available for purchase.  Brenda Eddy organizes this event. 

Northside Partnership Day at City Barbeque (Henderson Rd.) - Held once a year, a percentage of what is spent on the great food at City Barbeque is donated back to the partnership.  Jane Albert organizes this event. 

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